Basically, I really like to make ideas into actual things with like-minded people, so I just chase that and it seems to be working. It really doesn't matter what the tools are. Or what it's made out of. Software, silkscreens, sound, light, it's the making part that's important.
"Kindness costs you nothing.
Listening pays suprisingly well."
Fine arts, graphic design, digital arts.
Applied Communications
Marketing Technology is my jam. I've worked in finance, HR, legal, tech startups, but the way emerging tech and marketing initiatives fit together can result in some impressive and informative deliverables. And if you're lucky, all teams are cooperative and saavy enough to take up any slack. It's not just about web sites selling ideas or "stuff". There are invisible, valuable tools that provide insight into people. And when not used for evil, they are powerful tools for good. Access to emerging tech is a given, and it's an industry that has rarely left me feeling unclean.
As a member of the Web Operations team, I develop web and mobile software using C# MVC.NET, SharePoint, React.js, and MSSQL T-SQL.
Scripted Character: Communications Officer, Alien Planet Military Command Center
Director: Maximilian Elfeldt
Writer: Conor Dowling(screenplay)
Stars: Arie Thompson, William Baldwin, Noel Gugliemi
Reporting to the VP of Marketing in a contract capacity to deliver pruduction ready artwork and content to support campaigns and the overall marketing strategy.
Performing full stack development in an ASP.NET, MSSQL environment (HTML, CSS, .NET Web Forms, SQL Server) as part of the Decision Support Services group. Serving the UCI Medical Center, Finance, HR, Recruiting, and Budgeting departments.
Developed and implemented highly customized public facing Microsoft Share Point publishing sites, among other duties, as a member of the Web Operations team at UC San Diego Health Marketing.
Reported to the both the IT Director and Consumer Outreach Director to develop and maintain a high traffic, mobile responsive, enterprise level web site and supporting marketing technologies. Served as the technical lead for the Consumer Outreach group web site, which averaged 1,335,000 page views monthly.
Managed client relationships, designed products, hired and led teams to develop software solutions, and provided the final deliverable to the client along with documentation, a plan for training, and provided ongoing support and analysis for future versions.
Reported to the Director of IT to scope, spec, develop and deliver internal and secure externally facing applications for employees, and portals for brokers and dealers in the finance and insurance arena.
Reported to the Director of HR Systems to build and maintain various mission critical internal applications in an ASP, ASP.NET, and SQL Server in a People Soft environment to provide additional tools with functionality that was out of the scope of the core People Soft product.
Developed websites, applications, desktop UI design and Flash media for both tech start-ups and established corporate clients in a fast paced, forward thinking, full service advertising agency setting specializing in new brand concepts, re-branding and subsequent communications and identity collateral, and many highly integrated online-offline campaigns.